D&C 18: 10-14
"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;
For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him.
And he hath risen again from the dead, that he might bring all men unto him, on conditions of repentance.
And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth!
Wherefore, you are called to cry repentance unto this people."

Monday, January 18, 2010


SAAAAD story about the people in haiti. they just cant get a break! I hope that they'll really turn toward God because of it. not away from Him. We've been talking to a lot of agnostics and atheists lately and they all have something in common. They really don't believe that. They almost always believe there's something more. Some higher power. Usually it takes a little explaining and a little testifying of the Spirit and they change their minds. We talked for 45 minutes on the street with a guy who said he wanted to believe... We got his number and will hopefully be setting up with him. this is different from the others, because we poured our souls out. We dusted out the cobwebs and pulled everything we could thing of to help this man believe there was a God. And God was his Father. As missionaries, I heard that we are supposed to do everything short of overriding their agency to get them to accept the gospel.

We are being super blessed! We are teaching three investigating Families!!!! So so awesome!. Well... the dad of one, the mom of the other, and the mom of the third is coming. But that is just the first visit. The next one will be all families. Elder Call wants to be involved in bringing a family into the Church before he leaves, and the Lord in all his mercy is surely hearing his prayers. and mine. I feel closer to Heavenly Father now than I have in a little while so that's awesome. I just want to be perfect. You know me.

The language is, according to me, I'm not learning fast enough.... but according to experience, Ive had a couple entire conversations with Slovenes and my district leader Elder Duke said that he's been training for 6 months, and he said I speak very well. My problem is that I just need to speak UP and speak more.

Here's news about me.

WE FOUND AN APARTMENT!!!! AHH SUCH A BLESSING. It's an entire floor of a house. The lady below us is the best cook in the world ha and (except for you and grandma i had better add) and she cooks for other people just tons of deserts and stuff every Saturday. Hello fat Elder Sherman.. ha I made sure she knew I really liked her cooking. but ya. Its 70 meters sq about and has all the stuff you need.Brand new kitchen. Awesome. Super blessed. .... good shower too... I think. haha we haven't actually moved in yet, although that's on the agenda for today.

Elder Sherman


  1. Jaclyn this is such a bueno idea! Thank you so much for blogging Cam's current life - I love it. He is awesome!

  2. You're welcome! Thanks for supporting him oh and for reading his blog haha, I'm glad that someone is :) and yes, he's doing so so well.
