D&C 18: 10-14
"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;
For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him.
And he hath risen again from the dead, that he might bring all men unto him, on conditions of repentance.
And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth!
Wherefore, you are called to cry repentance unto this people."

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Almost Home

It has been SUCH a long time since I updated Cam's blog... sheesh! But for those of you who are still interested (there might not be many of you).. Here's a new post for you! Cam is doing GREAT! I probably shouldn't be the one updating this, since I don't know all of the details. But I know that he is serving as AP, learning Croatian, and loving every minute of his mission. Here's for some more exciting news. We received Cam's release date in the mail this past week.. or maybe it was 2 weeks ago.. Either way, he's coming home on the 8th of November! Woo!! I'll be sure to include his emails for the next couple of months, so for those of you who have lost all hope in me ever posting again... There is hope haha. Maybe not a lot, but some. I'll keep you guys updated.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hey everybody!

Happy late Easter!
yes Im still alive. ha. I didnt have the opportunity to write yesterday because it was a holiday. EVERYTHING shuts down here its crazy. but we ended p day a little early so we could come to the library and write you guys. My heart was filled with gratitude too as I watched conference. Heres how it went for us. Got up 6am out the door by 7 caught a bus to the church for the recorded priesthood session which would be played sunday at 8 in the morning. We watched that and I think I cried through every talk. ha except one or something like that. I hope dad had the opportunity to see it. if not you guys need to for family home evening one time, watch one of the Presidency of the seventy speak on Missionary work. I loved that talk so much!

Then we watched Saturday morning session directly following that. Also recorded. Then we had lunch (Elder Gonzalez and I brought French toast we had made, and everyone wanted some... so we shared ha.) Then we watched Saturday afternoon session also recorded. Then we contacted for an hour, ate dinner at Elder Dukes apartment, Picked up a member in a wheelchair and wheeled her to the Church at Olympic speedwalk pace to make it in time for the live Sunday morning session. Thats the only one we were watching at the same time. it was cool to think about it.

It was really different watching conference from a missionary perspective. Being a missionary has changed the way I look at things. I could see the patience in our leaders as they urged us to do the small things with more diligent effort. I could see the love they have for the Lord, and through them, His love for us. I also took special notice to the reality of the greatness of their calling and how they have made it their entire life. I urge you all at home to love the new converts. Be their friends. Missionaries cant do it all. WE NEED MEMBERS to love the people who are recently baptized, invite them to sit by you at church, bring them in on a family home evening, teach them correct doctrine and the why's of the gospel. Teach them through example what it means to be a member of Christ's church. Make them laugh, Make them cry tears of joy. Its crazy how little of conversion has to do with baptism. not to disregard it at all, but it just doesnt stop there.

I have such a different outlook on church, district meetings, zone conferences, General conference etc. because I used to look at things like that as long meetings that were good for my spiritual growth. (except I really did like them... sometimes I just thought they were long) now as a missionary we do a lot of teaching and sometimes its just so nice to be taught. to just sit down and be taught hah. I love it.! I think okay, I can just soak it all in haha. then I do. Then we teach teach teach (which is awesome) and some of that stuff we have soaked in goes away each time. we can tell when its time for another zone conference because we feel a little worn out haha. Now I look at these things as recharge stations. ha so true!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Elder Sherman Loves the Letters, Thanks Everyone!

Elder Cambron Sherman
Molekova ulica 3
1211 Ljubljana-Smartno

We appreciate the love and support that has been shown to Elder Sherman. Keep writing, he loves the letters!

Pictures From Slovenia

We love you Elder Sherman!


okay well... HAAH! your prayers are being answered! The gift of tongues is coming like crazy! Really... before I came on a mission i felt like the gift of tongues would allow me to speak in dire circumstances or that things would just come out which I would not normally have known how to say but then I realized that the gift of tongues comes through work and is a slow process. That was last weeks opinion. This week I think its both.

Last night Elder Gonzalez and I taught the First Lesson to a part member family. Only, none of the members were there so it was all on us. It went beautifully. The slovene came out. The understanding was there. I remember having an answer given me for every question that they had.... except one ha but that's because you don't really address that topic in the first lesson... i think it was kingdoms of glory. I just said that we would get to that. The only thing is I don't remember what I said! I was literally given the words in my mouth that I needed to say. It has almost nothing to do with me. only Heavenly Father and how much he loves His children, how much he wants them to understand how much he loves them. I was speaking beautiful Slovene, and it came to me. It wasn't hard. Mom, it was a miracle. I don't think it was perfect, but I do know that they understood everything I wanted them to. and Elder Gonzalez taught the Joseph Smith story beautifully like always. wow. Gift of tongues is correct. I have a permanent testimony of the validity of that gift for those who proselyte in different tongues. Plus we are learning at an accelerated rate. The power of God is real.

We are growing fast too. we are finding out how strong we are, how much we can do and its cool. Also we have really learned how to rely on the Lord, which is something I plan to continue to do. I'd rather it be His power they feel than mine. (because they wouldn't feel it if it were me) I really now better than ever understand the hymn "I need Thee every hour." We are weak. woah sometimes I feel like a little kid out here. But its okay, because there is real power leading us. I don't think missionary work has ever been harder, or that we have ever been more blessed.

Love you lots. Wow the work is going fast! and its picking up speed.
Elder Sherman.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


okay fam.... here goes what I did for personal study this morning. I was planning out the goals for my mission as far as numbers for my mission President, and through a chain of events, wrote this down which came to me as I thought and was inspired. here goes.

Its not perfect... but hey. neither am I. I just copied it basically from its first draft this morning so.... patience. (yes its a virtue)

Father Can I Help?

I had just written the Goals of my mission down (as far as numbers go) when I remembered something Elder Call always told me: "its not about the numbers." This made me think about what its really about. Through inspiration I was reminded of something I did frequently as a child. My dad was working and I loved being around my dad when he was building or fixing something. I remember frequently asking "Dad can I help?" Being very young the help I could offer would probably make the job more cumbersome than had he just done it himself, but he always answered "Yes" as if he were in dire need and I was the whole SOS squad. Then he did something very important. He waked me through the what, how, and why to do's and gave me a job I could handle, or helped me with those I could not. I remembered one time we were remodeling, and mom snapped a picture of me with a screwdriver in one hand, a hammer in the other, and ski goggles over my head. How I loved helping my father with his work.

And How I love helping my Father in Heaven with His work, but in the same manner, our inexperienced hands are often clumsy and frankly too small. With all the energy of our young hearts we fill out our papers and ask: "Father, can I help?" And as only a loving father can He answers yes with encouraging enthusiasm and assigns us to a task he knows we can do, and helps us with things we cannot. He knows that the skills gained from allowing us to help will prove invaluable throughout our lives and so; He walks us through, showing us what, how, and why we do the work, and He and our Elder Brother work right beside us the whole way as we help build the Kingdom of God.

--- so thats touching to me. I really like looking at missionary work like that. Im not perfect. but He is. and its His project. I am filled to the very boundaries of my soul with gratitude for being able to help. to help Him, although he really doesnt need me, and to help other people. Awesome stuff.

well Im looking forward to that package with pictures in it with labels so that Ill be sure to know that the unrecognizable faces belong to Malan, Cortney, and Jaclyn, my siblings
who are just growing up too fast.. ha almost wrote vast. that changes the meaning a little. lol.

well I love you guys. dont fret about anything Im easy going. I do this sort of thing ( being away from my family for two years) all the time..... ha lol. well... maybe not.


Elder Sherman.

Monday, January 18, 2010


SAAAAD story about the people in haiti. they just cant get a break! I hope that they'll really turn toward God because of it. not away from Him. We've been talking to a lot of agnostics and atheists lately and they all have something in common. They really don't believe that. They almost always believe there's something more. Some higher power. Usually it takes a little explaining and a little testifying of the Spirit and they change their minds. We talked for 45 minutes on the street with a guy who said he wanted to believe... We got his number and will hopefully be setting up with him. this is different from the others, because we poured our souls out. We dusted out the cobwebs and pulled everything we could thing of to help this man believe there was a God. And God was his Father. As missionaries, I heard that we are supposed to do everything short of overriding their agency to get them to accept the gospel.

We are being super blessed! We are teaching three investigating Families!!!! So so awesome!. Well... the dad of one, the mom of the other, and the mom of the third is coming. But that is just the first visit. The next one will be all families. Elder Call wants to be involved in bringing a family into the Church before he leaves, and the Lord in all his mercy is surely hearing his prayers. and mine. I feel closer to Heavenly Father now than I have in a little while so that's awesome. I just want to be perfect. You know me.

The language is, according to me, I'm not learning fast enough.... but according to experience, Ive had a couple entire conversations with Slovenes and my district leader Elder Duke said that he's been training for 6 months, and he said I speak very well. My problem is that I just need to speak UP and speak more.

Here's news about me.

WE FOUND AN APARTMENT!!!! AHH SUCH A BLESSING. It's an entire floor of a house. The lady below us is the best cook in the world ha and (except for you and grandma i had better add) and she cooks for other people just tons of deserts and stuff every Saturday. Hello fat Elder Sherman.. ha I made sure she knew I really liked her cooking. but ya. Its 70 meters sq about and has all the stuff you need.Brand new kitchen. Awesome. Super blessed. .... good shower too... I think. haha we haven't actually moved in yet, although that's on the agenda for today.

Elder Sherman